Many kids at tournaments have been asking me for advice in getting a table tennis equipment sponsor such as Nittaku, Tibhar, Donic, etc... Here is the advice that I give to them.
First, determine what kind of equipment that you like. Personally, I like Nittaku equipment. However, I realize that each player is different. So, you need to determine which brand of equipment that you prefer.
Next, determine if there is an actual need. If your parents are making seven figures and you live in a castle in Beverly Hills, then buying a few sheets of FastArc G-1 probably won’t break the bank. Companies want to help kids that legitimately have needs.
Next, be specific in expressing to the potential sponsor your exact goals in table tennis and how you plan to reach those goals. Outline exactly how much you plan to practice each week as well as other things like nutrition, fitness, and other things. A future sponsor wants to know that you are serious about improving.
Next, be specific in expressing how the potential sponsor can help you. You can mention something like… For practicing 20 hours per week and playing 24 tournaments per year, I would need 12 pairs of rubber. In addition to the table tennis rubber, I also need 2 blades, 3 shirts, 2 shorts, and 4 dozen balls each year. Whatever your table tennis needs are, make sure that you express your needs to the future sponsor.
Next (and most importantly!), be specific in how you can give back to the sponsor. If a sponsor is considering giving you $2000 of free equipment each year, then you need to be able to give back at least $2000 in advertisement for them each year. Some ways that you can give back to your sponsor include…
1. Writing articles for their website
2. Distributing their fliers or catalogs
3. Reviewing new equipment when testing is needed
4. Wearing their logo on your clothing during tournaments and practices
5. Crediting their company during TV, newspaper, and website interviews
6. Helping their company with exhibitions and promotions
7. Volunteering to run a booth at your local tournament
As I have outlined in these paragraphs, there are sponsors available. These sponsors don’t merely choose kids who have high ratings and have tons of trophies. These sponsors are looking to help kids who have legitimate needs, have real goals, know what they want, and are willing to help the sponsor in return! I personally want to thank Newgy Robo-Pong, Paddle Palace, and Nittaku for all the ways that they have help support and encourage me! They are the best sponsors that I could ever ask for!
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Learn 5 Necessary Steps to Receiving FREE Equipment