Coach Samson Dubina US National Team Coach 4x USATT Coach of the Year

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Wrong Mindset in TT

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So you want to improve?


Consider boosting your table tennis level with a Power Pong Table Tennis Robot! These awesome robots are used by US National Team Coach Samson Dubina, US National Champion Sarah Jalli and many many other rising stars! GREAT NEWS... each robot comes with FREE lessons from Samson Dubina. To Purchase a Robot:

Improve With No Practice?

Is it possible?

4 Mental Tricks

Pre-Match Preparation

Many tournament matches are won or lost based on your mental approach going into the match.  There are 4 simple mental tricks that I would like to teach you…
Nandan Effect…

Inward and Outward

Reactions to Points Won and Lost

As you prepare for the US Nationals in Las Vegas, I want you to pause for a moment and consider your mental do you react inwardly and how do you react outwardly???

Mental Strategies - Part 12

Learn How to Become a World Class Player!

Question:            Samson, how can I improve my mental game?
Answer:               Choose a level-headed, world-class player and copy him.
When studying this elite athlete there are several things that you should be looking for.
Attitude During Training

Start Thinking the Right Way

Learn a tip from Roger Liu (age 12)

Your mental attitude has a TREMENDOUS influence over the outcome of the game. It can help you beat players rated much higher than you. However it can be a humongous factor in losses against players rated much lower than you. This can set back your goals in table tennis. So how do you fix it?

Mental Strategies - Part 7

Find You Best State of Mind For Every Tournament!

Find Your Best State of Mind
Most club players across the US give about 70% effort during club matches while socializing, playing relaxed, and hitting great shots throughout the night.  The average club players try much much harder in tournaments and often play a much different style in tournaments.
Sometime, when I see a player at the club hit a very good shot, I will pose the question,
“Could you do that in a tournament?”
The answer nearly always come back with, “No.”
I respond with, “Why not?”

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