I receive hundreds of table tennis questions. Here is a very common question that you might be asking as well...
Hi Samson. Great clinic, thanks again. If you don't mind, I've got one follow up question.
Since the clinic I've played 3 times so far at local clubs. I've been focusing on attacking just about everything with loops and flips, and throwing in some punch blocks from time to time. It's worked pretty well, and I'm winning against players who i normally lose to.
Most table tennis players label topspin shots into several categories such as: loop, block or smash. However, modern attacking players have developed an offensive block called an active block. Active blocking is a combination between a block, loop and counter loop. It is best used off-the-bounce against a slow to medium speed loop.
Watch in this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwbcgOPxx8w&feature=fvsr as Kenta effectively uses active blocking to stop his opponents’ attack and take control of the table.