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The All NEW Samson Dubina Table Tennis Academy
By Blake Cottrell
The Samson Dubina Table Tennis Academy has expanded its facilities to now include the Shaw Jewish Community Center in Akron, Ohio. The new facility has excellent playing conditions and a regular array of continuing events and classes. With an excellent wooden gym floor and plenty of high quality tables, both young and old are sure to enjoy the new facility as table tennis in Northeast Ohio continues to grow!
The new, expanded schedule includes group classes on Tuesday nights and league play on Thursday nights. The first two weeks of the new programs attracted ninety-eight players eager for lessons and quality competition. Tuesday night group classes include designated times for kids under twelve years old and a separate session for teens and adults. Generally, there are two to five coaches on any given Tuesday. These include at least two ITTF certified level one and two coaches, Blake Cottrell and Samson Dubina, respectively. Lessons focus on technique, footwork, tactics and fitness on a variable basis.
The Thursday night league has attracted players ranging from unrated beginners to 2600 plus players. Samson is a regular competitor every Thursday night. The giant round robin format of the league usually means players are competing in five to eight matches on league night. Players are placed in groups according to their club rating with each group winner guaranteed a spot in the next highest group the following week.
The new facility includes approximately sixteen high quality tables. There is a balcony area with bleachers for viewing at larger events. The balcony is sure to be used in the upcoming $3000 Newgy Ohio Open on Friday and Saturday, May 6 and 7. The event is being hosted by the Shaw Jewish Community Center and the Samson Dubina Table Tennis Academy, as well as several other sponsors. The tournament will be giant round robin groups of six or seven with four advancing to single elimination rounds. Events are at all levels of rating and will include an Under 1000 event which will be open to recreational players on the day of the event.
The Samson Dubina Table Tennis Academy plans on hosting regular tournaments and weekend clinics in the upcoming year. In June, two weekend clinics are currently planned with high level Swedish league player Robert Eriksson included in the coaching ranks. You can find out more about the Samson Dubina Table Tennis Academy at
Table tennis in Northeast Ohio is growing and the Samson Dubina Table Tennis Academy and its new facility are at the forefront of that growth. Additionally, there are several other clubs in the area that are open on at different times on any day of the week for club play. Players in Northeast Ohio should check out the new Samson Dubina Table Tennis Academy! Players from out the area should be sure to stop by to find some tough competition and excellent group classes.
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