Weekly Group Classes
For the weekend clinics, we usually have a theme for the weekend such as strokes, footwork, tactics, serving, etc… and each player will do similar drills throughout the weekend that are level appropriate all geared toward the topic for the weekend.
On Tuesday evening, the kids group class goes from 6-7:30pm and the teen/adult group class goes from 7:30-9pm. For the kids, I’ll be personalizing training programs for them in the future. But for now, most of the kids are doing similar drills.
For the teen/adult class, there is a wide range of levels ranging from 100-2300 level players. Each of these players have different goals and aspirations in the sport – some might want to have fun, others want exercise, others want to play better at the club, while others want to become world class players. In order to meet all of these needs, we must personalize the drills specifically for each player. All of the kids and adults are strongly encouraged to participate in the Thursday night league as well. Both aspects of improving are important – getting the good foundation on the Tuesday classes and applying the skills in real matches on Thursdays.
Is it more important to work on foundational strokes or to work on game strategies? How good do your foundational strokes need to be? It depends. Imagine that I’m building a very small house. Does my foundation need to be good – yes, somewhat good. Now imagine that I’m going to build a skyscraper the size of the Empire State Building. Does my foundation need to be good – yes, very very good. The same is true in tt. The higher the goals, the better the foundation needs to be.
Dear Students,
Below, you will see an outline of one training session. As I mentioned, each player will have a different set of drills for the season. Make sure that you print your list (seen below) and bring it with you each week.
Jogging and Stretching
Forehand and Backhand Warmup
Intro and Instructions
Three sets of shadow strokes for footwork
Drill #1
Opponent then does his own drill
Drill #2
Opponent then does his own drill
Drill #3
Opponent then does his own drill
Match Play
Fitness Training
There are 13 stages in perfecting a new skill. I’ll go over these stages in another article another time. For now, you must realize that implementing your new skills into match play takes persistence and patience. Persistence in that you must focus on doing it – and continue doing it. Patience in that you must be patient with yourself realizing that it takes a minimum of 30-60 days to begin changing old habits and forming new habits. Some of these improvements may take longer.
Drill #1 You attack to your opponent’s backhand and he blocks random. If you are comfortably able to reach 10 balls each rally, then I recommend starting with a serve. You serve short, your opponent pushes long anywhere, then blocks random.
Drill #2 Your opponent serves short with any type of spin. If you flip the serve to his forehand, then he loops to your forehand and your counterloop then going to free point. If you flip the serve to his backhand, then he blocks random for you. Continue looping to his backhand until the 5th ball. Once you hit the 5th ball to his backhand, it is then free point.
Drill #3 You serve short backspin. Your opponent pushes short. You can either flip the push or push back short. The point is then free.
Drill #1 You play 1 backhand from close to the table and 1 backhand from away from the table. Your opponent blocks with his backhand. Once you reach the 10th ball, it is free point.
Drill #2 You play 2 backhand then 2 forehands – all balls to your opponent’s backhand. The 1st backhand is close to the table, the 2nd backhand is away from the table, the 1st forehand is close to the table, the 2nd forehand is away from the table.
Drill #3 Your opponent serves short anywhere or long to your backhand. On the long serve, you loop. On the short serve, you push short to the middle or flip to the backhand – then free point.
Drill #1 You serve short backspin, your opponent pushes long to your backhand. You loop exclusively to your opponent’s backhand and he blocks 1 ball to your backhand and 1 ball to your forehand.
Drill #2 Your opponent serves half-long any spin. You loop exclusively to your opponent’s backhand and he blocks random. Once you reach the 10th ball, it is free point.
Drill #3 You serve short topspin. Your opponent flips anywhere. You loop the flip to his middle transition point, then it is free point.
Drill #1 Pushing practice. You and your opponent push long or short anywhere. You practice flipping from inverted to pips while giving heavy, light, and no spin pushes that are low with good depth variation.
Drill #2 Your opponent does 1 loop then 1 push. You chop all the balls until the right opportunity to loop the push or counterloop the loop.
Drill #3 Your opponent serves long to your backhand. You chop to his backhand. Your opponent pushes to your forehand, you loop the push to his backhand. Your opponent blocks your loop to your backhand, you chop to his backhand. This cycle continues on and on…
Drill #1 You attack 1 hard then 1 soft then 1 hard then 1 soft with your backhand to your opponent’s backhand.
Drill #2 You serve backspin. Your opponent pushes long to your backhand. You backhand loop to his backhand and he moves you are 50% of your backhand ½ table.
Drill #3 Your opponent serves long to your backhand with any type of spin. You loop the serve then play free point.
Drill #1 You attack 1 forehand from the forehand side then 1 forehand from the backhand side to your opponent’s backhand. Once you reach the 12th ball, it is then free point.
Drill #2 Your opponent serves long to your backhand – you loop to his backhand. Then your opponent blocks anywhere and you continue looping to his backhand.
Drill #3 You serve any spin short (make sure it is short, Aryan). Your opponent flips or pushes deep to your backhand. You backhand loop then free point.
Drill #1 Your opponent serves long to your backhand – you loop to his backhand. Then your opponent blocks anywhere and you continue looping to his backhand.
Drill #2 Your opponent serves long anywhere – you loop the serve then play free point.
Drill #3 You serve backspin. Your opponent pushes deep anywhere (but more often to bh), you loop, then free point.
Drill #1 You attack 1 hard then 1 soft with your backhand to your opponent’s backhand. When your opponent surprises you to the forehand, it is free point.
Drill #2 You serve short backspin. If your opponent pushes short, then you flip. If your opponent pushes long, then you use a powerful loop.
Drill #3 You serve short topspin. Your opponent is allowed to receive anyway that he wants to (it will likely be a flip). Attack the flip, then play free point.
Drill #1 You attack to your opponent’s backhand and he blocks 1 or 2 or 3 balls to your forehand, then 1 ball to your backhand. The rally continues with the same pattern.
Drill #2 You serve topspin or backspin tomahawk – free point.
Drill #3 Your opponent serves anything long – you loop – then free point.
Drill #1 You attack 1 forehand from the forehand side then 1 backhand from the backhand side to your opponent’s backhand. Once you reach the 12th ball, it is then free point.
Drill #2 Your opponent serves long to your backhand – you loop to his backhand. Then your opponent blocks anywhere and you continue looping to his backhand.
Drill #3 You serve any spin short. Your opponent flips or pushes deep to your backhand. You backhand loop then free point.
Drill #1 You play with your forehand to your opponent’s forehand – you attack and he blocks. Try to keep the ball in the same location and he will move you around the forehand 70% of the table. You keep your knees bent and turn your body together as a unit.
Drill #2 You attack to your opponent’s backhand and he blocks 1 ball to your forehand and 1 ball to your backhand. On the 10th ball, you can hit anywhere.
Drill #3 Your opponent serves short backspin, you push a sharp angled push wide – then free point.
Drill #1 You attack with your forehand and your opponent blocks with his forehand. You try to keep the ball to a similar location and your opponent move you slightly. When you are in good position, try to hit with slightly more power. When you are off-balance, try to shorten your swing and control the ball.
Drill #2 Same as drill 1 but with your backhand to his backhand.
Drill #3 Your opponent serves short no-spin, you step forehand and attack the serve – then free point.
Drill #1 Basic forehand stroke to your opponent’s forehand with your gip taped (bring duct tape)
Drill #2 Basic backhand stroke to your opponent’s backhand
Drill #3 pushing – you push anywhere and your opponent pushes anywhere varying the spin and depth of the push while keeping it low
Drill #1 You play 1 forehand from the forehand side and 1 forehand from the backhand side to your opponent’s backhand. After you hit the 4th ball, it is free point.
Drill #2 Your opponent serves long backspin – you loop with forehand or backhand – then free point.
Drill #3 You serve backspin. Your opponent pushes short to your forehand or long to your backhand. The short one you push and the long one your loop.
Drill #1 You play to your opponent’s backhand exclusively. He blocks you anywhere on the table.
Drill #2 You play to your opponent’s forehand and he plays to your forehand. You attack and he blocks. You attack 1 ball from near the table and 1 ball from away from the table and that pattern continues.
Drill #3 Your opponent serves any spin long to your forehand – you read the spin and attack, then free point.
Valentine, Terrance, Zeus, Noah, Samuel, Zachary, and Tom – I need you to fill out the following questions. Once I have this bit of info about your game, I can help you with some drills.
How long have you been playing?
How much do you usually practice each week?
During the week, what percentage of your tt time is drills and what percentage is games?
What would you say are your 1-2 main strengths?
What would you say are your 1-2 main weaknesses?
What are your goals in table tennis?
If I don’t hear back from you before Tuesday, then we will work on the basic strokes. See you Tuesday at 7:30pm!
For anyone interested in joining our group classes or leagues, please send me an e-mail to register or go to the TOURNAMENTS & CLINICS section at the top of the page. Classes (1.5 hours) cost $10 and leagues cost $15.
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