Find Your Best State of Mind
Most club players across the US give about 70% effort during club matches while socializing, playing relaxed, and hitting great shots throughout the night. The average club players try much much harder in tournaments and often play a much different style in tournaments.
Sometime, when I see a player at the club hit a very good shot, I will pose the question,
“Could you do that in a tournament?”
The answer nearly always come back with, “No.”
I respond with, “Why not?”
“Well, I’m trying to win in tournaments , so I don’t want to miss; I must play more conservative and not go too risky.”
As you can see, many players aren’t training properly. If their tournament styles consist of safe pushes, safe loops, safe blocks, then that is exactly how they should be playing practice matches at the club. Generally, players should put more pressure on themselves at the club to perform competitively and be more relaxed during tournaments. Wanting-to-win too badly in tournaments can lead to poor performance. Players should give their best concentration, put out their best effort, but still relax, have fun, and train the way they practiced!
Mental Strategies - Part 7
Find You Best State of Mind For Every Tournament!