Coach Samson Dubina US National Team Coach 4x USATT Coach of the Year

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Perfecting the Short Game

Learn the Details on How to Control the Game!

Perfecting the Short Game
     Mastering the strong short game is crucial at the intermediate to advanced level because it allows you to attack first, which gives a huge advantage during the point.  There are three primary ways to receive a short serve – short push, long push, and flip.  Each player has a preference with which they use more often, but it is vitally important to perfect all three so that you have more options.

Understanding Your Mistakes

table tennis blog
By Coach Carl Hardin

Coach Carl Hardin is both a table tennis coach and a top-level bowling coach.  This week, we had a brief conversation on the phone.  At the end of the talk, I asked him to summarize what he was explaining in article form so that you could see the difference.  If you have ever come to one of my classes, you will understand that Coach Carl Hardin's approach has had a huge impact on my coaching.
Understanding Your Mistakes
By Coach Carl Hardin
