$3000 Newgy Ohio Open
Friday-Saturday, May 6-7 2016
Awesome playing conditions - wood floor, high ceiling, new tables
All Events are Giant Round Robin Format (expect to play 5-9 matches per event)
FREE Lunch and Dinner
FREE Snacks and Drinks
FREE Parking
FREE Spectator Admission
Stay at the official tournament hotel and receive a free table tennis gift pack. Call the new Baymont Inn & Suites 330-666-5050 by April 14th to reserve your room. Rate is $79.99 for single or double and includes free breakfast, free parking, and free wifi.
Events are VERY limited - enter now to reserve your spot!!!!!!
Entry Form: http://omnipong.com/EntryForms/1062-2.pdf
Register Online at www.omnipong.com
$3000 Newgy Ohio Open

Join Our Premier Event!!!