Presper Financial Architects Open
Table Tennis Tournament
February 7-8, 2020
Akron, Ohio
We are thrilled to host the Presper Financial Architects Table Tennis Tournament right here in Akron, Ohio at the Samson Dubina Table Tennis Academy. We have athletes from California, Indiana, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, North Carolina, and Canada attending our event! There are over 100 players already signed up to compete for the title and $3000 in cash prizes. The top 8 seeds in the main event include:
Sharon Alguetti – US National Team Member
Gal Alguetti – US National Team Member
Ojo Onaolapo – Nigerian National Team Member
Chance Friend - #1 Ranked Player in Ohio
Wally Wahab - #1 Ranked Player in Indiana
Dan Seemiller – 5x US National Champion
Sarah Jalli - #1 Ranked 13-year-old in the US
Anish Shankar – Indiana Top 10 Athlete
If you have never attending a table tennis tournament here in Akron, I would highly recommend that you come! For spectating, you don’t need tickets, you can just show up and watch the elite competition for FREE. If you would like to participate in the USATT Sanctioned event and get a national rating, you can sign up online at Entry deadline is Sat, Feb 1st.
The tournament venue is the Samson Dubina Table Tennis Academy located at 2262 South Arlington Road, Akron, Ohio 44319. Make sure that you check-in at the control desk and sign the waiver. The table assignments for your groups will be posted. Please try to arrive at least 30 minutes before your event! Event time is default time!
Facility Availability
We know warm up is important to you, so we suggest you make sure to arrive early to get in some practice. The facility will open at 12:30pm on Friday for practice and 9:00am on Saturday. We try to run a very efficient tournament so in general, there will be limited table availability for practice once matches start each day. You will have to try to jump on the tables between matches. Matches take priority over practice.
Most of the events are Giant Round Robin format with 7 players per group and the top 4 advancing to the elimination rounds. The size of the group may vary depending on the number of entrants in the event. Some events will end after the finish of the round robin matches. This is based on the number of players in the event. If at least 12 people entered the event, then the event will have more than one group.
Each player who earns $600 or more will be given a 1099 form and will be responsible for claiming the income.
Snacks are available at the Samson Dubina Table Tennis Academy to purchase, including Gatorade, bottled water, Starbucks Frappacino drinks, V8 energy drinks and a variety of other drinks, snack foods and fruit. On Saturday only, free meals will be given to all the tournament players. If you entered one event, then you get one free meal. If you have entered multiple events on Saturday, then you can get a free lunch and free dinner. Make sure that you get a meal ticket when you arrive on Saturday morning. Saturday lunch will be served from 11:30am-12:30pm and Saturday dinner will be served from 4:30-5:30pm. Meals will be available to spectators for $5 on Saturday only.
1. Please arrive at least 30 minutes before your first match.
2. If you arrive late, you may be defaulted some matches.
3. The balls, clipboards, and pencils stay at the table after matches are finished.
4. The winner of the match turns in the match slip to the control desk.
5. If controversy arises, please seek help with the tournament staff.
6. Minors need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
7. No white shirts or shorts!
9. There is a two minute warm up period for each match. This will be strictly enforced. Please observe this rule! In order to get through all our matches in a timely manner, warmups must not exceed two minutes.
10. Players should remain in the facility as much as possible during their event periods when they are not playing. Event staff will be moving matches along quickly and need to know where players are. Please notify event staff if you are going to leave the facility. You may be defaulted if we cannot find you after a reasonable period of time.
Tournament Staff,
Thanks to our dedicated staff who make this event possible - Samson Dubina, Greg Thompson, Blake Cottrell, Ron Arcaro, Mike Boyd, Jordan Jacobs, Sam Dubina, Nancy Dubina, Heather Dubina, and all the other volunteers for scorekeeping and other stuff!
I would like to send out a huge THANK YOU to our tournament sponsors who brought this event to Akron and have helped us promote this event during the last couple months. Thanks to:
Presper Financial Architects www.
Sports Alliance of Greater Akron
Wil-Cut Engineered Abrasive Solutions
Paddle Palace
Newgy Robo-Pong
Akers Signs
Red Roof Inn
Samson Dubina Table Tennis Academy
Title Sponsor:
Presper Financial Architects
Questions about your future and your finances?
Join Tom and Dan for Passport to Retirement, your how-to guide for financial success! Call the office at (330) 253-6000 or email to sign up or get more information.
Samson Dubina Table Tennis Academy
Address: 2262 South Arlington Rd Akron, Ohio 44319
Phone: 330-949-9230
Presper Financial Architects Open

February 7-8, 2020