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100 Days of Table Tennis (kindle)
100 Days of Table Tennis (paperback)
Check out this book review by Lindenwood University's Micaiah Skolnick...
Hello, My name is Micaiah Skolnick. I am currently competing for the Lindenwood University Table Tennis Team with a rating of 2367. I grew my table tennis career without ever hiring a professional coach. Along with my brother Gabriel Skolnick I learned to play through reading instructional articles and watching videos of the top players in the world competing on You-tube. This gives me a unique perspective to be able to review Samson Dubina’s book 100 Days of Table Tennis. I can personally attest to the fact that Samson knows what he is talking about when he says that a professional coach will help immensely because I have spent enormous amounts of time figuring things out that a coach would be able to fix in a few training sessions. Those of you who have the means to hire a coach such as Samson, and absorb his instruction through books and dvds have a huge advantage. Don’t give it up!
Enough about me, Here are my thoughts on Samson’s recent book entitled 100 Days of Table Tennis.
Samson Dubina spared no effort in his quest to write a book designed to take every player to the next level. It is not every day that an elite player such as Samson is willing to sit down and share his wealth of advice which took decades to collect. When reading through the book it feels as if each day, for 100 days in a row, Samson pulls you aside and gives you a nugget of advice to think about, or a tip to work on for the that day’s training session. This 100 day reader doesn’t only focus on the beginner or only the advanced player; it is instead packed with information useful to all levels. The layout of the book is slightly unique, but highly appealing. There is a portion of main text for each idea, which goes into depth about what you should expect, and what your tactics should be against each type of opponent, then after the in-depth read, key points are summarized in easy to remember one liners at the bottom of the page. It is written in a way that concepts are effortless to understand for beginners, but not so simple that they are boring to the elite. As I read I was constantly reminded of fellow players who would vastly benefit from the guidance provided by Samson through this book.
Many present day books on table tennis focus so much on technique that players are left feeling like technique is all there is to the game. Samson takes a different approach however; he focuses on the mental aspect of each opponent. He asks you to think objectively about almost every type of opponent, he doesn’t simply cover the main styles that are so frequently discussed. Some of these unique styles that Samson breaks down in detail are wheelchair players, junk rubber players, overweight players, and even how you should mentally approach playing against your friends. Samson doesn’t only discuss styles, he also addresses topics that you may never expect in a book about table tennis. Such as how to overcome jetlag, how you should coach other players, why it is beneficial to stay away from negative influences, how to get out of a slump, and many more.
Samson in no way limits his advice to strictly speaking of technique or table tennis tactics. There are many ideas that will simply help each reader to live a healthier, more respectable life. When thinking of Samson’s influence on his students and those surrounding him I am reminded of this quote from his book: “You should not complain just to complain … and you should not complain just to break an opponent’s momentum. Stop making excuses and own up to your losses.” Many modern players find themselves constantly blaming equipment, conditions, what they ate for breakfast, and a host of other factors. They need the exact type of wake-up call that Samson provides to guide them back on the path to greatness. This wake-up call was clearly given in his book 100 Days of Table Tennis.
Paperback and Kindle

100 Days of Table Tennis