It is 2pm on a Saturday afternoon. You are just about to leave for the table tennis club and practice hard from 3pm-6pm. You need some extra energy to fuel your training session. What should you get? A triple-thick chocolate milkshake from McDonalds? Three candy bars from Wal-Mart? A Java Monster from Speedway? I would recommend a high-energy fruit smoothie.
Here is my newest mixture that I have recently been enjoyed over the past 1-2 months…
1 cup of ice
1 cup of fresh mango (cut up)
½ cup of fresh strawberries
½ cup of strawberry Greek yogurt
½ cup of apple juice
½ cup of milk
Blended together it makes 2 servings of the most amazing smoothie I have ever drank. If you prefer the smoothie to be slightly thicker, then add a bit less apple juice and milk. If you don’t have fresh mangos and strawberries, you can also use frozen ones; in that case, do not add ice with it.
Although it is difficult to eat a full meal just prior to your matches, it is very easy to drink a smoothie 20-30 minutes before your first match; which will give you energy for couple hours.
Fuel for the Fire

Learn to energize your next training session!