Coach Samson Dubina US National Team Coach 4x USATT Coach of the Year

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Tournament Coaching

What should you do?!?!?!

You as the Coach
Part I


Proverbs 3:5-6

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.

Tournament Volunteers

Sep 26-27 Tournament

We are looking for some friendly volunteers for our Sep 26-27 Tournament at Walsh University.
Here are the jobs that we are still looking to fill...
Player Transportation - Airport Pickup (Friday night)
Table Moving (Friday morning and Saturday night)
Tournament Work (Friday 4pm-9pm and Saturday 9am-9pm)
Scorekeeping (Friday 4:30pm-9pm and Saturday 9am-9pm)

Upcoming Events

Tournament and Clinic Details!

I would like to invite you to our exciting events here in Ohio.  Click the links below to check out the entry forms and see who else is coming!  
See you soon!
Sep 26-27 Tournament Entry Form:

Beat the Tall Dude

Learn the details of killing giants

Playing against a very tall player might seem scary, but if you implement the right strategies, you can do it. First, I'm going to outline what he probably does well. Next, I'm going to outline your game-plan.
Keep in mind that very tall players have a wide wingspan. With a little leaning and reaching, he can often cover about 7 feet without taking any steps at all. Very tall players usually smash well and can power through most lobs.

Ohio Circuit Update

See your name on the ranking list!

Here are the circuit leaders....
Junior Division

Dey, Tapabrata

Hamrahian, Seyed Hesam

Liu, Roger

Khatami, Ali

Khatami, Sarveen

Averin, Alex

Bafna, Shreyans

Baker, Carl

Harris, Anwen


Over 2000 division

Dey, Tapabrata

Bible Passage of the Week

What shall we do?

Acts 2:36-39 Peter said, "Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.”
37 Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?”

Various Game Styles

Strategies for Sep 26-27

For those of you who are preparing for our Sep 26-27 tournament, I would highly recommend that you carefully read this article and takes notes in order to mentally prepare for the competition.  I posted this article in the past, but decided to re-post it as a refresher...

What Are You Looking At?

Learn the details of video analysis!

When watching a professional player, what you are looking at?  Are you looking at the bright color of his shoes, the weird design on his shirt, his massive leg muscles, or the funny expression that he makes when serving?  If so, you aren’t studying the right things.
When watching a professional player, there are several things that you should be looking at…
#1 Preparation
Watch how he goes through his pre-point routine before stepping up to the table. 
#2 Serve and receive

Illegal Serves

Learn 7 Steps to Take in Dealing With Illegal Serves

When playing tournaments, you will often be up against illegal serves.  With the right actions and attitude, you can easily diffuse the problem and play a fair match.  Here are the steps of action that I would recommend…
#1 Observe the problem.  Preferably in a match prior to your match, try to watch your opponent for possible illegal serves.
