Good Morning Students,
Check out the monthly update!
Student of the Month
The Samson Dubina Table Tennis Academy would like to congratulate Mike Wilke for being the September student of the month. He has made steady progress in his game - developing a better balance between backhand and forehand, playing smarter tactics, and working hard on a daily basis to improve all aspects of his game. We realize that it isn't easy when you are over 50 years old to make progress, but Mike has put in the time and effort to make it happen! Keep up the good work!
Come Together
Many countries in Europe and Asia are developing players much faster than we are here in Ohio. Is it because they have some special coaches or unique players? No. It is because the training environment is right. Player are working together on a daily basis to develop either games in the right structure. I have begun the work of bringing players in Ohio together. I need your help for this to happen. Your participation in the upcoming events is what allows table tennis in Ohio to continue growing AND it is the best thing for your game. You will make the most progress if you do a combination of group lessons and private lessons. I would love to see all of my students participate in the Dec 27-30 training camp. Please let me know asap if you can come, and I'll add your name to the roster.
Entry Form
Detailed Outline
Player Listing
If this camp is successful, then I can continue bringing the players and developing the structure. I'm also hoping to implement small group training on a weekly basis - beginner, intermediate, and advanced groups. This is only possible if I have your support in participating in these events.
At the upcoming tournaments, I would love to see my students coaching each other. For our September tournament here in Akron, many players didn't coach each other. Why? Did they forget? Not care? I'm not sure. But instead of being merely focused on your own game, I encourage you to help out other SDTTA students. For your info, this is the current listing of SDTTA students. (full-time students take 1-2 lessons each week / part-time students take 1-2 lessons each month)
Full-Time SDTTA Students
Joe Ciarrochi
Jacob Boyd
Jason Zhang
Krisha Cherukui
Tanishkaa Shanmugam
Fiona Dubina
Chris Jordan
Sarah Jalli
Scott Badillo
Roger Liu
Ron Rozumulski
Laura Paglin
Debabrata Ghosh
Aryan Mahajan
Aiden Norin
Craig Nivens
Part-Time SDTTA Students
Mike Wilke
Denethi Wijigunarwardana
Mike Armstrong
Andrew Schneider
Ali Khatami
Sarveen Khatami
Heather Dubina
Kenzie Dubina
Scott Norin
Mike Boyd
Blake Cottrell
Sam Belcher
Yijing Chen
Nilaksh Nagpure
Parth Nagpure
Terry Brown
Brian Bayes
Invite a Friend
The main way of growing our numbers is when you invite your friends. Please invite a friend to participate in our weekly league (free for the first time!). Or invite a friend to come to the midwest junior championships, they can play in the rec division. Thanks to Jacob Norin, Denethi, and Laura for recently inviting their friends to come to the league! Keep up the good work!
October Lessons
I'll be sending out my October schedule very soon. Once you receive the e-mail, please reply ASAP with the days that you are available for lessons.
Coach Samson Dubina
Important Update
