Coach Samson Dubina US National Team Coach 4x USATT Coach of the Year

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An article related to improving players table tennis skills.

Wide Forehand

Check out the NEW Video

Table Tennis Footwork
By Samson Dubina
Over and over and over again...

The Talent Code

Brand New Coaching Video by Samson Dubina


Power Pong Robots

Buy a Robot and Get FREE Lessons

Power Pong Robots - Now ON SALE!
Hi Friends,

NEW Power Pong Videos

Check it out!

Hi Friends!
I'm very happy to work for Power Pong Robot Company because we provide BOTH quality robots and training tools to help you improve!  We have recently launced a series of videos to help with setup, programming drills, using new features, and more!  If you are interested in a free 30 min video session with me, reach out to me today!  I would love to show you which models we offer and help you purchase the right robot for YOU!
Talk to you soon!
Samson Dubina
Cell 330-949-9230

Coach Chance Friend

Sign Up For Lessons TODAY!

Info About Coach Chance Friend
-Written by Samson Dubina

Yes, the Samson Dubina Table Tennis Academy closed in July 2023.  However, Coach Chance Friend still lives here in the area and is offering in-person lessons at his house!  Today, I want to tell you a little about Chance and why you should e-mail him today to sign up for a lesson.

Serve Return Simplified

Try this 1 weird-simple trick!

Serve Return Simplified
There are 2 primary ways to read the spin – watch the racket and watch the bounce.  The pitfall that devastates most beginner/intermediate players is the timing.  When they don’t know the spin, they panic and trap the ball too quickly.  The correct move is to wait.  Wait.  If you couldn’t tell the spin from the contact point when your opponent touched the ball, then wait.  Let the ball rise, then even drop a bit before returning it. 
How does that make the return easier?  There are 5 ways…

Four Types of Training

NEW Video by Samson Dubina


FREE Drill Downloads

Check them out!

Yes, the Power Pong Omega just keeps getting better and better!  In addition to the free 45 drills that come standard with each robot, we are now offering 4 free drill packages for you to download.  Want personalized drills for you?  Yes, we offer that service as well.  Make the payment below and Samson Dubina will discuss your game with you and customize a training program to meet your needs!
FREE Download (Use Google Chrome)

Chopper Simulation Training

Check out the NEW Video

Hi Friends,
Christmas is just around the corner!  This is the best time of the year to buy a table tennis robot!
Will you improve?

7 Aspects of Tournament Performance

Do These NOW!

There are 7 important aspects of tournament success. 
Here they are...
#1 The Mindset - Just Another Day of Practice
During training, you raise your level.  During tournaments, you perform the way you practiced.  Just that, just have the mindset to play your game, your playing system.  Make good decisions, adjust as necessary and try to play relaxed and normal.
#2 The Thoughts


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