New Table Tennis App
TTLive is a web software service created and maintained by Unfolding Technology. TTLive allows Table Tennis clubs to manage Table Tennis leagues and tournaments (tournaments will be added in summer of 2020).
TTLive includes:
• a mobile app that allows players to quickly enter match results.
• a web app that allows a club manager to manage player data, create skill level competition pools, calculate player ratings, and print reports with league results and player ratings.
• management of singles and team leagues.
• a backend database and web API with secure access in the cloud. Club data is securely available at locations with internet access. Data privacy and integrity is maintained by TLS secure transport, OAuth secure authentication and other industry security standards.
Unfolding Technology builds relationships with customers toward helping them track business data to gain strategic business insights.
Unfolding Technology enhances customer business strategies by employing:
• secure cloud platforms with mobile app and web app interfaces to collect, administer, and visualize data. The secure cloud platform includes database and web API technologies to store and retrieve data from various locations.
• TLS secure transport, OAuth secure authentication and other industry security standards to ensure data integrity and privacy.
• IoT technologies to automate data collection processes.
• Blockchain technologies to validate and provide public distribution of data and establish trust across organizational boundaries.