Coach Samson Dubina US National Team Coach 4x USATT Coach of the Year

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An article related to improving players table tennis skills.

I'm Changing

Read about my new coaching style

Table Tennis is changing.  And as it is changing with new rules, new ball, etc...  the players must change with new techniques, better fitness, and other aspects of the game.  I realize that I also need to continue to change and continue to improve my coaching skills.  In this short article, I would like to share with you on some of the positive changes that I plan to implement in my coaching during the next year.

Beat Your Friends

Learn 2 new strategies!

Sometimes, beating your regular training partners, fellow club members, and best friends in table tennis can be very difficult because it seems that they know your every move.  They can predict that your forehand flip will go crosscourt, they can predict that backhand serve will go long to the middle, and they can predict that you will block to the corners.  They know your every move because they have played against you hundreds of times.  There are 2 solutions to overcome these problems:


Written by Coach Burair Kothari


The Power of Serving!

Read the article and watch the video!


At the club level, long and slow serves are easily attacked with strong loops.  World class players also serve long sometimes, HOWEVER, their long serves are very fast as a surprise and well placed.  Watch this short video demonstrating various serves.  Notice how fast the long serves are.  



Learning from Mistakes

Written By Roger Liu

I was playing an event at the US Open. I already lost my first two matches. I knew regardless if I had won or lost that match I would not have advanced. This was in the under 2250. In this event, I was playing a match where I was down 2-0 and 8-0 in the 3rd game.  I gave up and lost.

A Letter From the Instructor

Read some info regarding the ITTF Training Course coming to Ohio!

Hello to all Samson Dubina Table Tennis Academy Members,
The Academy is hosting an ITTF-PPT Level 1 Coaching Course from July 28 through August 1st.  The Course will be held at the The House of the Lord Gymnasium  -  1650 Diagonal Rd Akron, Ohio.
There will be 30 hours of instruction given over 5 days with two sessions planned each day, 10am-1pm and 2pm-5pm. 
Course Conductor:

Two Important Questions

Samson Dubina Interviewed by Rahul Acharya

I had a chance to see, talk to, and learn from some top international and national table tennis players. In this and the next couple of posts, I will share interviews with the experts.

I saw Samson Dubina (#1 player in Ohio and top 20 men in US (over 30)) stretching in preparation for a match and asked him for advise that I thought many of us could use.

Group Session FAQ

Learn how to improve your skills through group training!

I receive frequent e-mails with questions regarding weekend group clinics.  In the article, I’m going to outline the details of my group coaching sessions.

Thinking Ahead...

Read this short article about setting goals in table tennis

Goal setting is very important in life, school, work, athletics, and many other areas of life.  If you want to train in table tennis with excellent focus and you want to perform well in competition, I would recommend writing out a long-term goal.  Long term generally means 2-10 years from now.  After you have written it out, hang it in your training room for a daily reminder.

A New Twist on Concentration

Try This New Idea At Home!

Your consistency will improve when you are able to focus on the ball as it contacts your racket.  You should watch the ball all the way to contact.  Many players repeatedly say to themselves, “Watch the ball!  Watch the ball!”  However, they still don’t watch the ball until contact.  So how can you train yourself to concentrate more on the contact point? 


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