An article related to improving players table tennis skills.
by Samson Dubina on Wed, 2023-10-11 07:35
by Samson Dubina on Wed, 2023-10-11 07:34
Forgetting & Remembering
During a table tennis match, is it beneficial to remember previous points or to just block out the past and play in the moment?
The answer is… BOTH!
To reach your peak potential, you need to forget and remember! I’m going to illustrate my point by sharing a true story that happened to me.
I was playing one of the most important matches of my life.
I was down 1-2 in games in a best 3/5 match.
by Samson Dubina on Wed, 2023-10-11 05:48
Should you use junk rubber?
There is a myth continually floating around table tennis circles that says, “Anyone who begins using long pips or anti can go up 200 points overnight.” I have heard this saying at many table tennis clubs over the last 15-20 years. This statement might be true under two conditions:
1. It might be true if you are playing against a player who thinks that you have normal sticky inverted rubber and doesn’t realize that you have unconventional rubber.
by msgraber on Tue, 2023-10-10 12:20
Hi Friends,
Buy a robot and I'll give you FREE Lessons!
by msgraber on Sun, 2023-10-08 15:14
NEW Video by Samson Dubina
by Samson Dubina on Sat, 2023-10-07 09:36
Check out the NEW Videos!
by Samson Dubina on Tue, 2023-10-03 11:16
Learn how to improve your game 500 points this year!
Every table tennis player should strive for dexterity. This is a skill that some players are naturally more gifted with and some players are not. The good news is that it can be trained as well. So what is dexterity???
Dictionary Definition of “Dexterity”
noun \dek-ˈster-ə-tē, -ˈste-rə-\
: the ability to use your hands skillfully
: the ability to easily move in a way that is graceful
: clever skill : the ability to think and act quickly and cleverly
by Samson Dubina on Mon, 2023-10-02 21:11
Winning Defined by the E.L.M. TREE
E.L.M. TREE - By Jim Thompson
E for Effort
L for Learning and improvement
M for bouncing back from Mistakes
What was buried in the initial mystifying sport psychology lecture were three keys to success in sports. Athletes on your team absolutely will be successful sooner or later if they…
#1 Routinely give their best
by Samson Dubina on Mon, 2023-10-02 20:24
by msgraber on Sat, 2023-09-30 18:06
NEW Coaching Video by Samson Dubina