Coach Samson Dubina US National Team Coach 4x USATT Coach of the Year

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In-And-Out Footwork

Learn About the 10 Situations!!!!

In-And-Out Footwork
About 99% of the time, players practice side-to-side footwork moving from forehand to backhand and backhand to forehand.  I rarely see players practice in-and-out footwork, but in fact…  these players are missing a key element of the game.  In this article, I’m going to outline 10 situations where in-and-out footwork is absolutely necessary.

Emotional Stability in Table Tennis

NEW Coaching Video by Samson Dubina

Yes, the Samson Dubina Table Tennis Academy is now closed.  We have deep discounts on rubberized flooring, robots tables, and other items.

Playing System

Learn More About YOUR Game!


Q & A Session

At Ohio Mega Camp 4


Tournament Officials

Learn 4 Keys to Maximizing Your Performance!

Before I begin this article, I need to first say that table tennis umpires and referees are present at tournaments for your own good.  Without rules and officials, table tennis would be chaos.  With that said, I want to give you a few tips that I have learned during the last 400 tournaments that I have played.
Talk Before Your Play

Details of Flipping Serves

Read 8 tips!

Details of Flipping Serves
Flipping is one of the primary ways to return short serves.  In this article, I’m going to outline the various aspects of developing a professional flip and give some details about each aspect.
Reading the Spin
There are 4 primary ways to read the spin…
#1 Watch the racket movement at contact
#2 Listen to the sound at contact
#3 Read the bounce
#4 Watch for the label

Jet Lag

Traveling To Tournaments

Regardless if you are traveling across the world or even across the United States to the US Nationals, changing timezone can cause jet lag for anyone.  
Could it affect your performance?  
There are 5 quick tips that I would like to share...

Omega App

New Video

Buy a Power Pong Robot and get FREE Online Lessons with Coach Samson Dubina!  For questions, e-mail him directly

Between Points

Learn about the most under-developed part of table tennis

The average match in table tennis takes about 20 minutes.  Out of the 20 min, about 5 min total is spent on rallies.  The other 15 minutes is spent picking up the ball, preparing for the serve, taking towel breaks, taking timeouts, and getting coaching advice.  So, here is the question that I would like for you to consider…
If only 25% of the match time is spend playing points, then why do we spend 99.9% of our effort on that portion of the game and we spend about 0.1% of our effort on the dead time???

Mental Principles of Table Tennis

8 Key Tips that you need to apply today!



