Coach Samson Dubina US National Team Coach 4x USATT Coach of the Year

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Check out the BEST Christmas Gift for any TT Player!

Hi Friends!
Christmas is just around the corner!  Yes, you have given many gimmicky gifts in the past, and we want you to make this Christmas extra special!  Would you rather give your dad a professional table tennis coach or a professional table tennis practice partner?
How about BOTH!


Upcoming Camp and Tournament

Hi Friends!
Here in Ohio, I'm happy to see that there is a major camp and major tournament happening in Columbus!  Regardless of where you live or what your level is, I would highly recommend attending!
3-Day Training Camp with Elite Coach Chance Friend
Registration Form
Player Listing
2-Day USATT Tournament

The Future of Table Tennis

27 New Things Coming in 2024...


5 Serve Return Tips

NEW Video by Samson Dubina



NEW Serving Videos

By ITTF Coach Samson Dubina


The Reason That You Can't Improve... FIND OUT TODAY!



Quiz Yourself on the 12 Aspects of Mental Success!

The ITTF Advanced Training Manual lists 12 elements to mental success in table tennis.  Quiz yourself to see how well you are doing on each aspect.  Take 2-3 minutes to ponder each point.  Ask yourself how well you are doing on each point during important tournament matches.  If you aren’t doing well, ask yourself how to improve that aspect. 
1. Physical relaxation – muscular tension is closely connected to miserable performance.  On the other hand, feelings of relaxation are associated with top performances.

The Mystery Man

NEW Coaching Article - by Samson Dubina

The Mystery Man
By Coach Samson Dubina
In the table tennis world, it is commonly believed that there are 3 types of players – positive, negative, and in-between.
Mr. Positive continues to strongly affirm himself throughout the match, even if he is down 8-0 or 10-2 or whatever the score, he has a high level of confidence.


The Reason You are Stuck and Can't Improve!


Tournament Day Reminders

8 simple things to think about...

Many of my recent coaching articles have been quite long!  Sometimes, I feel that shorter summary articles are better because the key points are easier to remember and apply.  In this article, I'm going to highlight 8 quick reminders that you should consider on the day of a tournament...
1. Watch your opponent in a prior match and study his style, his serve, and his serve return.  Before beginning a match, also make sure to check his racket.
